Acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5


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Caracteristici acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent cu Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5:

  • acumulator tip Li-Ion (fara efect de memorie, nu necesita formatare )
  • capacitate 1400 mAh
  • voltaj 7,4v
  • garantie 12 luni

Acumulatorul este echivalent cu:

Canon BP-2L, BP2L
Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5
Canon BP-2LH, BP2LH
Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12
Canon BP-2L14, BP2L14
Canon BP-2L18, BP2L18
Canon BP-2L24, BP2L24
Canon NB-2L, NB2L
Canon NB-2LH, NB2LH
Canon DDNB-2L
Canon HS-DCL2L
Canon LIC2L12
Canon 2F12
Canon 2L12
Canon 2L14
Canon 7302A001AA

Acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent cu Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5 este recomandat pentru urmatoarele modele:

Canon FV 500, Canon FV500
Canon HG 10, Canon HG10
Canon HV 20, Canon HV20
Canon HV 30, Canon HV30
Canon iVIS DC300
Canon iVIS HG10
Canon iVIS HV30
Canon IXY DV 3,Canon IXY DV3
Canon IXY DV 5,Canon IXY DV5
Canon IXY DVM 3, Canon IXY DVM 3
Canon PC1018
Canon VIXIA HG 10, Canon VIXIA HG10
Canon VIXIA HV 30, Canon VIXIA HV30
Canon VIXIA HV 40, Canon VIXIA HV40
Canon DC301, Canon DC 301
Canon DC310, Canon DC 310
Canon DC311, Canon DC 311
Canon DC320, Canon DC 320
Canon DC330, Canon DC 330
Canon DC410, Canon DC 410
Canon DC411, Canon DC 411
Canon DC420, Canon DC 420
Canon Elura 40MC
Canon Elura 50
Canon Elura 60
Canon Elura 65
Canon Elura 70
Canon Elura 80
Canon Elura 85
Canon Elura 90
Canon FVM20, Canon FV-M20
Canon FVM30,Canon FV-M30
Canon FVM100, Canon FV-M100
Canon FVM200, Canon FV-M200
Canon MD100,MD-100
Canon MD101, MD-101
Canon MD110, MD-110
Canon MD111, MD-111
Canon MD120, MD-120
Canon MD130, MD-130
Canon MD140, MD-140
Canon MD150, MD-150
Canon MD160, MD-160
Canon MD205, MD-205
Canon MD215, MD-215
Canon MD216, MD-216
Canon MD225, MD-225
Canon MD235, MD-235
Canon MD245, MD-245
Canon MD255, MD-255
Canon MD265, MD-265
Canon MV5, MV 5, MV-5
Canon MV5i, MV 5i, MV-5i
Canon MV5iMC, MV5i MC, MV5i-MC
Canon MV6iMC, MV6i MC, MV6i-MC
Canon MV800, MV 800, MV-800
Canon MV790, MV 790, MV-790
Canon MV800, MV 800, MV-800
Canon MV800i, MV 800i, MV-800i
Canon MV830, MV 830, MV-830
Canon MV830i, MV 830i, MV-830i
Canon MV850i, MV 850i, MV-850i
Canon MV880X, MV 880X, MV-880X
Canon MV880Xi, MV 880Xi, MV-880Xi
Canon MV890, MV 890, MV-890
Canon MV900, MV 900, MV-900
Canon MV901, MV 901, MV-901
Canon MV920, MV 920, MV-920
Canon MV930, MV 930, MV-930
Canon MV940, MV 940, MV-940
Canon MV950, MV 950, MV-950
Canon MV960, MV 960, MV-960
Canon MVX20i, MV X20i, MVX-20i
Canon MVX200, MV X200, MVX-200
Canon MVX200i, MV X200i, MVX-200i
Canon MVX250i, MV X250i, MVX-250i
Canon MVX25i, MV X25i, MVX-25i
Canon MVX300i, MV X300i, MVX-300i
Canon MVX30i, MV X30i, MVX-30i
Canon MVX35i, MV X35i, MVX-35i
Canon MVX40, MV X40, MV-X40
Canon MVX40i, MV X40i, MVX-40i
Canon MVX45i, MV X45i, MVX-45i
Canon MVX400, MV X400, MV-X400
Canon MVX300, MV X300, MVX-300
Canon MVX330i, MV X330i, MVX-330i
Canon MVX350i, MV X350i, MVX-350i
Canon Optura 30
Canon Optura 40
Canon Optura 400
Canon Optura 50
Canon Optura 500
Canon Optura 60
Canon ZR-100, ZR100
Canon ZR-200, ZR200
Canon ZR-300, ZR300
Canon ZR-400, ZR400
Canon ZR-500, ZR500
Canon ZR-600, ZR600
Canon ZR-700, ZR700
Canon ZR-800, ZR800
Canon ZR-830, ZR830
Canon ZR-850, ZR850
Canon ZR-900, ZR900
Canon ZR-930, ZR930
Canon ZR-950, ZR950
Canon ZR-960, ZR960

Lista compatibilitatilor este orientativa si supusa permanent schimbarilor si imbunatatirilor. Este posibil ca unele modele sa nu apara in lista desi sunt compatibile. Daca aveti nelamuriri legate de compatibilitate nu ezitati sa ne contactati.

Se recomanda incarcarea acumulatorului Li-ion tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent cu Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, baterie reincarcabila tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent cu Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5 numai cu incarcatoare specifice tipului de acumulator Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 / Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5 : incarcator/alimentator original sau incarcator dedicat pentru acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12

Acest acumulator echivalent Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 contine celule de inalta calitate Li-Ion si indeplineste standardul european de siguranta CE (European Conformity), respectiv normele europene RoHS (Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) si WEEE (European Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment).

Durata de filmare/nr de imagini realizate la un ciclu de incarcare al acumulatorului depinde de numerosi factori precum: functiile folosite (zoom, pornire/oprire frecventa, folosire blitz etc ), temperatura mediului in care este folosit aparatul, timpul efectiv de filmare/fotografiere si timpul in care aparatul a fost mentinut in standby, marimea si setarile de luminozitate ale LCD-ului, modul de filmare/fotografiere (prin viewfinger sau pe LCD) etc. Informatiile legate de timpul de filmare oferite de manualul camerei dvs sunt relative si au fost realizate in conditii de filmare continua, fara interventia umana, cu aparatul asezat pe trepied.

Pentru o incarcare mai eficienta a acumulatorului se recomanda ca acestia sa fie pastrati la temperaturi cuprinse intre 10-25 grade C. La temperaturi in afara acestui interval eficienta acumulatorului scade considerabil.
Daca acumulatorul NU va fi folosit pe o perioada mai lunga de o luna, se recomanda o incarcare la capacitatea maxima si pastrarea intr-un loc uscat la temperaturi intre 10-25 grade.
Viata celulelor acumulatorului este limitata. Capacitatea acestuia va scadea progresiv o data cu folosirea si vechimea lui. Daca acumulatorul incepe sa aiba o durata de functionare foarte mica in comparatie cu cea normala (la temperaturi normale),durata lui de viata s-a terminat si trebuie inlocuit. Acumulatorul vechi nu se va arunca ci va fi predat la un centru de reciclare

Acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, Acumulator tip Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, baterie li-ion Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, battery Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, alimentator Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, alimentare Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5

# acumulator Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, baterie Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, charger Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, alimentator Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5, Acumulator tip Canon BP-2L12, BP2L12 echivalent Canon BP-2L5, BP2L5